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Florida Vacation

Florida Vacation


I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to go on a mini vacation for my 25 birthday this past week. To say it was amazing is an understatement! Taking time off from school, work and focusing on myself was amazing. The people in my life who know me best, know how stressed and overwhelmed I can get…which is why taking a vacation was much needed. I am a firm believer that we need to give our bodies and mind a break from work and time consuming commitments and truly take a step back and just enjoy life.

Going into this vacation I promised myself to stay off my phone as much as possible, let my mind relax and appreciate every adventure I was able to experience during this trip! I am happy to say that I achieved that J I was lucky to have amazing company to help my this trip amazing.  

For the first three days we spent our time in Clearwater Beach, which was amazing and beautiful. I got to see a spring training baseball game, jet ski and swim in the gulf, try different foods, talk with locals, enjoy the sun and honestly just relax.

The following two days we spent in Universal Studios…and again anyone who knows me will know exactly why it was important for me to go there on my 25th birthday. I am a huge Harry Potter fanatic and proud to be. I have been to Harry Potter world in the past, but it never gets old to me. I was lucky enough to travel there again and take my mind back to some of my favorite childhood memories.

But on another note….

Since my blog is focused on food and lifestyle practices I will side track away from the personal post and add a little bit of info on the foods I ate and the exercise I implemented while away.

One of the best parts of traveling (in my opinion) is trying new food! This can be really difficult to do when trying to eat healthy and stay on track with a healthy diet. I knew I was going to be eating foods that are not deemed healthy, but I also knew that having two meals or three meals that are not normally in my diet, over the course of 6 six days, was going to harm my body or affect my diet. So to keep myself on track and to still get the opportunity to try new foods I focused on making sure that with each meal, I ordered veggies for my sides and selected foods that were not fried. Along with this I made sure to make my breakfast meals healthy. Whether it was a bowl of fruit, smoothie, parfait or eggs. Mainly, I tried to make sure I always got 4-5 veggies servings a day and 3-4 fruit servings a day. I have worked with clients who have asked me why there body reacts poorly only on weekends or only when they travel. I then ask them how their diet differs in those instances versus their daily routine. It is okay to indulge and to try new foods, but it is also important to always keep the balance! I am all about the 80-20 rule, which is how I live my life.

Exercise turned out be really easy on this trip. Instead of taking ubers or lifts, we decided to walk to anything that was at most 3 miles away. This was really easy in Clearwater since why wouldn’t you want to walk on the beach or outside in the sun! We also were lucky because our hotel in Universal way only 2 miles away from the parks. So we would jog to the park and then obviously spent the rest of the time walking in the park. Obviously this is not my normal work out routine, but I am happy I was still able to get some type of cardio in every day on my vacation.

Overall, the key thing I learned about staying active and healthy while on vacation is just to remember to keep a balance. If I had tacos for dinner, I made sure I got a side of vegetables or that I had a ton of fruit that day. I knew if I over indulged myself, I would have decrease energy levels, have a hard time getting back into my normal routine and overall not feel my best when getting home.

So my tips for you when you go on vacation are:

1. Make sure to keep the balance, but then enjoy the foods you want. Focus on still incorporating healthy foods through out the day.

2. Stay hydrated!!!

3. Try and keep maintain your normal sleep routine.

4. Participate in some type of exercise-even if it is something little!

5. Disconnect-enjoy the company around you.

6. Let go of your worries—no stress on vacation.

7. Do things you enjoy-even if it is dorky like going to Harry Potter World :)

8. Balance is key!!

Can’t wait to share more adventures with you all!













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